ANNOUNCEMENT: The Passing of Lewis Cuffy, 5th Dan, Aikido Shobukan Dojo

We are deeply sad to announce the passing of Lewis Cuffy, Godan (5th Dan) in Aikido, on March 20, 2021. He was the Head Instructor of our exemplary Youth Program, a senior instructor of the adult classes, a pillar of Aikido Shobukan Dojo and a mentor to young and adults in our diverse Aikido Schools of Ueshiba community.

Cherry Blossom Seminar is Canceled

The Annual Cherry Blossom Festival meets the dojo’s Cherry Blossom Seminar. For beginners and advanced practitioners alike, this seminar is an intimate opportunity to practice with Saotome Sensei conducting keiko.

What’s it like to train at Shobukan?

Every session is part of a whole, as our name implies Shobu. Uniting 聖 (sho) and 武 (bu) is the challenge that O’Sensei inspired Sensei to undertake. This is our connection to O’Sensei.